
SirLenward's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 266 (From 35 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 3,640 Points

Flanders Killer 8

Medals Earned: 8/35 (90/465 points)

Beginning 10 Points

Get 3 stars at the beginning

Kodo's ship 10 Points

Get 3 stars on Kodo's ship

Frink's lab 10 Points

Get 3 stars at Frink's Lab

Park with Quimby 10 Points

Get 3 stars at the Park with Quimby

Alley with Snake 10 Points

Get 3 stars at the Alley with Snake

Quad Killer 10 Points

Kill each member of the Flanders super fast!

Mass Muderer 25 Points

Kill everyone in springfield

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Burn's Golf Course 10 Points

Get 3 stars at Burn's Golf Course

Bonus: Bible Blasters 25 Points

Get 3 stars on Bible Blasters

Alley with Moleman 10 Points

Get 3 stars at the Alley with Moleman

Sea Captain's Shop 10 Points

Get 3 stars at the Sea Captain's Shop

Pettigrew's Shop 10 Points

Get 3 stars at the Pettigrew's Shop

Bridge to Springfield 10 Points

Get 3 stars on the Bridge to Springfield

Bonus: Larry the Looter 25 Points

Get 3 stars on Larry the Looter

Park with Otto 10 Points

Get 3 stars at the Park with Otto

Jabediah Springfield 10 Points

Get 3 stars at Jabediah Springfield

Seymour's House 10 Points

Get 3 stars at Seymour's House

Playground with Ralph 10 Points

Get 3 stars at the playground with Ralph

Park with Fat Tony 10 Points

Get 3 stars at the Park with Fat Tony

Springfield Zoo 10 Points

Get 3 stars at Springfield Zoo

Bonus: Hockey Dad 25 Points

Get 3 stars on Hockey Dad

Moe's Tavern - Roof 10 Points

Get 3 stars at Moe's Tavern - Roof

Moe's Tavern 10 Points

Get 3 stars at Moe's Tavern

Apu's Kwik-E-Mart 10 Points

Get 3 stars at Apu's Kwik-E-Mart

Simpsons' House 10 Points

Get 3 stars at The Simpsons' House

Simpsons' House - Inside 10 Points

Get 3 stars inside The Simpsons' House

Smithers' Castle 10 Points

Get 3 stars at Smithers' Castle

Devil Flanders 25 Points

Get 3 stars against Devil Flanders

Todd's Combo 10 Points

Get a 3 hit combo on Todd's body

Kill Bob 25 Points

Kill Sideshow Bob

Family Matters 25 Points

Don't kill your family members

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Lead Killer 10 Points

Get a highscore on the Leaderboards

Brutal Killer 25 Points

Play the game 3 times in one session!


Medals Earned: 3/20 (40/395 points)

I Said Funkin' 5 Points

Start the game for the first time.

More Like Daddy Queerest 10 Points

Beat Week 1 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).

Just like the game! 25 Points

Get freaky on a Friday.

That's How You Do It! 5 Points

Beat Tutorial in Story Mode (on any difficulty).


Beat Week 2 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).

Pico Funny 10 Points

Beat Week 3 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).

Mommy Must Murder 10 Points

Beat Week 4 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).

Yule Tide Joy 10 Points

Beat Week 5 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).

A Visual Novelty 10 Points

Beat Week 6 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).

I <3 JohnnyUtah 10 Points

Beat Week 7 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).

Yo, Really Think So? 10 Points

Beat Weekend 1 in Story Mode (on any difficulty) and unlock Pico as a playable character in Freeplay.

Stay Funky 5 Points

Press TAB in Freeplay and unlock your first character.

A Challenger Appears 10 Points

Beat any Pico remix in Freeplay (on any difficulty).

De-Stressing 10 Points

Beat Stress (Pico Mix) in Freeplay (on any difficulty).

L 5 Points

Earn a Loss rating on any song (on any difficulty).

Getting Freaky 25 Points

Earn a Perfect rating on any song on Hard difficulty.

Harder Than Hard 25 Points

Beat any Erect remix in Freeplay on Erect or Nightmare difficulty.

You Should Drink More Water 50 Points

Earn a Gold Perfect rating on any song on Hard difficulty.

The Rap God 100 Points

Earn a Gold Perfect rating on any song on Nightmare difficulty.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Goin Up

Medals Earned: 14/21 (350/825 points)

First kill 5 Points

first Kill

Jump on 10 enemies 5 Points

Jump on 10 enemies

I can double jump 10 Points

I can double jump

I like my wall 10 Points

jump on a wall 20 times

I love dem clouds 10 Points

touch the sky

Jump on 50 enemies 10 Points

Jump on 50 enemies

Collect 1000 skulls 25 Points

Collect 1000 skulls

Combo Breaker 25 Points

Fiery Combo of 10

Jump on 100 enemies 25 Points

Jump on 100 enemies

Kill 20 Spikes in one game 25 Points

Kill 20 Spikes in one game

Collect 5000 skulls 50 Points

Collect 5000 skulls

Evolve to final level 50 Points

Evolve to final level

I can stop at any time 50 Points

play for an hour

Kill 200 Goo-..Flying things.. 50 Points

Kill 200 Goo-..Flying things..

Find the hidden button 25 Points

Find the hidden button

Kill every big enemy 50 Points

Kill every big enemy

Kill every small enemy 50 Points

Kill every small enemy

The final Frontier 50 Points

reach space

I can't stop at any time 100 Points

play for 3 hours

Kill every enemy 100 Points

Kill every enemy

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Kill Lola Bunny

Medals Earned: 1/20 (5/375 points)

Shotgun man-iac 5 Points

Give the Shotgun a go!

'cause I'm TNT 5 Points

Call in some friends for some massive mayhem.

Ballgame 5 Points

You've got a pretty good basketball shot!

Cuntpunter 5 Points

That's a pretty good kick!

Flatliner 5 Points

Splat! She's flat for real now.

Hot Limit 5 Points

You have mastered the Tao of Darnell.

IPPON! 5 Points

Like a Samurai Warrior!

Nice View 5 Points

Sometimes a change of scenery is nice.

Psycho 5 Points

Heeeeeeeeeeeere's you!

Quickfix 5 Points

That there crowbar's fixed her up good!

War Criminal 5 Points

You have crossed the moral event horizon.

Full Set 10 Points

You have mastered all the tools of your trade.

Donkeh! 25 Points

The rarest pokemon in Gensokyo.

Maniac 25 Points

Kill her 50 times.

Old School Operator 25 Points

Do it like Shotgun Man

Insane 50 Points

Insane! That's over a 100 kills!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Leap Jet Bear

Medals Earned: 1/10 (50/500 points)

Shiny Treasure 50 Points

Collect a crystal

Achivement Hunter 50 Points

Unlock all achivements

Congratulations? 50 Points

Die on level one

Flying Degree 50 Points

Complete 5 levels without dashing

Heart Stealer 50 Points

Collect all hearts

No Safety Net 50 Points

Complete every level without checkpoints on

Shadow Racer 50 Points

Collect all lighting bolts

The End? 50 Points

Complete all 20 levels

The Floor is Lava 50 Points

Complete 5 levels without touching the ground

Treasure Hunter 50 Points

Collect all crystals

Los Angeles Shark

Medals Earned: 8/27 (310/1,110 points)

Combo Of 6 10 Points

Do a combo of 6!

DeLorean 25 Points

Pull down the DeLorean in under 5:30!

Kaman K-MAX 25 Points

Pull down the Kaman K-MAX in under 4:50!

HH-43 Huskie 50 Points

Pull down the HH-43 Huskie in under 4:35!

Lockheed L-188 50 Points

Pull down the Lockheed L-188 in under 5:40!

MQ-9 Reaper 50 Points

Pull down the MQ-9 Reaper in under 6:10!

Sirkorsky X-2 50 Points

Pull down the Sikorsky X-2 in under 6:25!

Space Ship One 50 Points

Pull down the Space Ship One in under 5:30!

Flying Dolphin 5 Points

Get exactly 23 dolphins and pull down exactly 9 aircraft in one run!

Hassle The Hoff 10 Points

Do NOT hassle the Hoff!

Rubber Duck 10 Points

Do NOT kill the rubber duck!

All Aircraft 25 Points

Pull down all aircraft in one run!

Combo Of 9 25 Points

Do a combo of 9!

Great Score 25 Points

Get a score of over 2500000!

Man Eater 25 Points

Kill at least 125 humans in one run!

Ship Killer 25 Points

Crush at least 100 ships in one run!

All Kites 50 Points

Get all kites in one run!

Awesome Score 50 Points

Get a score of over 3000000!

Combo Of 12 50 Points

Do a combo of 12!

Piasecki H-21 50 Points

Pull down the Piasecki H-21 in under 6:45!

Seagulls 50 Points

Get at least 20 seagulls at Marina Del Rey!

Short 330 50 Points

Pull down the Short 330 in under 5:40!

Sikorsky S-70 50 Points

Pull down the Sikorsky S-70 in under 3:30!

Specific Score 50 Points

Get a score in between 2400000 and 2420000!

Window Washer 50 Points

Get at least 10 window washers in one run!

Big Food Plate 100 Points

Get at least 25 divers, 5 orcas, 10 banana-boats and 10 microlights in one run!

Low Flyer 100 Points

Crush 170 ships in one run without using any Super Jumps!

Merry Christmas Tom Fulp

Medals Earned: 1/2 (5/55 points)

Gift Giver 5 Points

you gave tom your gift!

Gift Giver Pro 50 Points

Give tom 10,000 gifts

Miami Shark

Medals Earned: 11/12 (450/500 points)

Apache 25 Points

Crush the Apache Helicopter

LearJet 25 Points

Crush the Lear Jet

Mini 25 Points

Crush the Mini-Helictopter

Sheriff 25 Points

Crush the Sheriff-Helicopter

B2 50 Points

Crush the B-2 Spirit

B52 50 Points

Crush the B-52 Fortress

B747 50 Points

Crush the Boeing 747

Beluga 50 Points

Crush the Airbus Beluga

Concorde 50 Points

Crush the Concorde

Ducks 50 Points

Kill 15 Ducks

SpaceShuttle 50 Points

Crush the Space Shuttle

Sailor 50 Points

Crush 95 Sailing Yachts

Monster Mashing Deluxe

Medals Earned: 4/4 (180/180 points)

The Degenerates Responsible 5 Points

Look at the credits

HORNY AF 25 Points

Get peak horniness

Horny God 50 Points

Pace yourself well enough to get a score of 10,000 or greater.

Shame and Fame 100 Points

See your name in the Hall Of Shame

Newgrounds in 2019

Medals Earned: 2/10 (10/105 points)

Enough of That 5 Points

Mute the music

Let's Get Ready 5 Points

Play the dress up game on the main menu.

Bronze 5 Points

Completed the quiz!

Deity 10 Points

Got everything right in the quiz.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!