Hey Newgrounds! after a WHOLE year, We did it! EVERY SCENE HAS BEEN TAKEN! I'll keep everyone updated if there's any dropouts!
-Follow the Rawest Forest Collab Twitter page for any updates
- The FINAL Deadline is JUNE 1st!
and also, I'm looking for 5 talented artists to draw a character from this scene for the Rawest Forest Collab!
Please make the art piece a 1000px by 1000px ratio, with a transparent background, PNG file
Submit your application HERE! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11yrNanmGARtg7OtHjj9HQaJS6OnXXQGXFSpCZAGqcaY/edit …
I sent mine already, i chose peach as well but i'd find more attractive to female doodles in video games, but you can count me in~ ^^